YourStory.GIF (14612 bytes)
   Link on the spinning earth to connect to each story.

globe.gif (25224 bytes) Ron Jacobs was in junior high in May of 1970 in West Germany where he had just moved in late February of 1970 when his father, an Air Force Major,  was transferred there after spending more than a year of service in Da Nang, Vietnam.
globe.gif (25224 bytes) In 1998, Bill Arthrell, eyewitness to the May 4, 1970 massacre, member of the Kent 25 and resident of Tent City returned to Vietnam, a country he had never visited to apologize for a war he never fought in. Enter here for Bill Arthrell's Guilt Trip
globe.gif (25224 bytes) Chantal writes,"I have a poem given to me after the massacre...I have kept it for 30 years. It is compelling. I have no idea where the author is or what happened to him since 1970." Do you?
globe.gif (25224 bytes) Bruce Maxwell was a dorm mate of Bill Schroeder's at the Colorado School of Mines in 1969. His Story with photos.
globe.gif (25224 bytes) Poetry and Art work by former May 4 Task Force members Mac, Ben, Steve and Rochelle. Although their work, entitled Mirrors, does not relate to May 4 it does relate to them. What they are and what they create contain the threads of a humanity that will forever be part of the May 4 tapestry woven since that day in 1970. And Kendra and I can relate to that.

If you feel you have a story to tell, please get in touch with us.
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